Student life

Student life

“In younger students, there is this extreme angst about the future”

Clive Spash is the academic director of the Socio-Ecological Economics and Policy master’s program (SEEP) at WU. Recently, he has published his new book “Foundations of social ecological economics”, in which he sets out to...
Student life

Accessibility at the WU Library

Do you need a large font keyboard or a Braille printer? Are you looking for a quiet room where you can write an exam without distractions? Making sure that all users can access our library's...
Student life

The Masterclass CEE goes Prague: industry insights, cultural experiences and orange helmets

Our very first field trip organized by the Competence Center for Emerging Markets and CEE took us on a fascinating tour through Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. The theme was to gain insights...
Student life

Study Skills | Take breaks for better learning outcomes

Good – I.e. effective and successful – learning requires a variety of skills. The ability to focus, to have a calm mind to be able to take in input, good time management, and so on....
Student life

Rest & Recovery | What activities nourish you? What drains you?

The ability to unwind after stressful moments or a busy day is essential for our well-being. It’s important to strike a balance between being and doing. Improving our discernment about what activities are enlivening and...
Student life

Have a good time at the Student Wellbeing Days at WU

On April 8-9, 2024, the first Student Wellbeing Days will take place at WU. Life Skills, Study Skills, Rest & Recovery, Being Successful – these are the four main topics for these two days. A...