“WU’s SCM master’s has an excellent reputation”

Carolin, student of the Master’s Program Supply Chain Management at WU Vienna

Vienna has been selected to be the most liveable city for the tenth time and when I saw that there was also a great Supply Chain Master offered, I immediately was intrigued. The high ranking of the Supply Chain Master at WU, as the best in Europe, and the great reputation made my decision to study at WU quite easy. After arriving in Vienna, the Master started with a Welcome Week where I got to know my fellow study mates as well as some of the alumni and experienced already some parts of why Vienna is such a great city to live in.

The Supply Chain Management (SCM) network, which is in close contact with WU, organizes social as well as corporate events which enable a close nit community and also gave me insights into interesting companies. Due to the rather small size of the master it was easy for me to get to know my study mates and make friendships. During exams I like to study at the library but for group assignments or just for exchange we often went to the SCM lounge. In study breaks we normally would grab a bite at Baschly bistro or go for a coffee at the library café or to the supermarket.

The nearness of the Prater Park is also nice since I can go for a walk in the nature or meet friends to hang out and play “Spikeball” or Frisbee in the summer. Vienna itself has a lot to offer: from many cultural activities to sports clubs or shopping there is something for everyone. I enjoy the night life with all the bars and clubs as well as the multiple “Kaffeehäuser” where you can just sit enjoy a coffee and read a book or also study. The variety of restaurants Vienna has to offer also enable a great food experience. During the summer I enjoyed hanging out on the Donauinsel, listing to music, going for a swim and having a drink. The wide-ranging public transportation also allowed me to enjoy a walk at Kahlenberg where I also spent some days going “Weinwandern”.