Reaching out

Reaching out

"I hope that everyone recognizes that gender equality policy is the basis for a fair society with a high quality of life for all."

As the second of only two women ever to hold the highest judicial office of Vice President of the Austrian Constitutional Court, Verena Madner can still be considered a pioneer in 2025. Reason enough to...
Reaching out

"I see myself as a "Pippi Longstocking entrepreneur" because I have built the world to suit my needs."

More and more women are deciding to start their own business - in was 2024, almost every second company in Austria founded by a woman. One of them is Jana Sabel, 28, founder and Managing...
Reaching out

"Today I ask doubting female colleagues: Would you do it differently if you were a man?"

In the run-up to International Women's Day on March 8, we have decided to revive the "Hall of Femmes" series on the WU Blog - kicking off our series is Alexandra Kick, 24 years old...
Reaching out

Start with "WU matters. WU talks." into the new semester

With the start of the summer semester, our popular discussion series "WU matters. WU talks." Whether it's the budget deficit, hate on the internet or the impact of artificial intelligence on our society: Starting on...
Reaching out

New semester, new topics at WU matters. WU talks.

We are starting the winter semester 2024/25 with a series of exciting topics at WU matters. WU talks. It starts already on October 2 and we are looking forward to exciting discussions, interesting insights and...
Reaching out

Erasmus+ Staff Week: Inspiration and Insights from Erasmus University Rotterdam

From June 10th to 13th, Erasmus University Rotterdam, a WU partner university, hosted an enriching staff week on "Bridging the Generation Gap in Higher Education." Staff and faculty members from European higher education institutions gathered...
Reaching out

Communicating Science for Impact: Insights from the ENGAGE.EU Science Communication Workshop at WU

From September 25-27, WU hosted an inspiring event called the ENGAGE.EU Science Communication Workshop: Communicating Science for Impact: Strategies for Reaching Diverse Audiences & Maximizing Benefits”. This workshop was organised within the ENGAGE.EU R&I project...
Reaching out

Central Europe Connect: “Three capitals, three universities, countless memories”

Central Europe Connect (CEC) is a Joint Certificate Program offered in cooperation by WU Vienna, EUBA Bratislava, and SGH Warsaw. In the course of a semester, students spend one course week in each of the...
Reaching out

The E&I Touchdown: Pitch Battle for Innovation

The event for entrepreneurial leaders - bridging theory and practice With more than 1,000 innovation projects conducted in cooperation with industry partners, the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (E&I) at WU Vienna has built strong...
Reaching out

Work Integrated Learning: Redesigning the “Josefbus”

In fall 2022, ENGAGE.EU successfully hosted the first pilot program of Work Integrated Learning programs entitled "Responsible Leadership and Sustainable Innovation". The pilot program was developed and implemented in collaboration between WU Executive Academy, Tilburg...
Reaching out

How to make the most of your semester or internship abroad?

Having new experiences abroad is exciting. Are you looking forward to your semester at another university, your internship, living in a different culture with a different language, and meeting new people? Perfect! Do you feel...