WU and Vienna: Two Points of Attraction for International Students
At the beginning of a new phase in life, prospective students and students looking for a new place to study are faced with the questions: Which city matches my own character? And which university is the right choice for my academic and professional future? Often, the decision falls on WU and Vienna, one of the most livable cities in the world. For WU’s Blog, exchange students tell us why they chose WU and Vienna as their destination and elaborate on advantages the Austrian capital has to offer.

Saint Stephen’s Cathedral is probably one of the most popular sights in Vienna.
WU Blog: Why did you pick Vienna for your exchange semester? What did you like about the city?
Carl Blomberg Persson (Lund University): I choose Vienna for a variety of reasons. Most importantly, I had visited the city before and loved it! The beautiful architecture and high quality of life really appealed to me. This impression of Vienna only grew stronger on me throughout my exchange. Also, since I had some prior knowledge in German, I thought it would be a great opportunity to go to Austria and further develop my abilities in the German language.
Jakob Engelmann (Albert Ludwig University Freiburg): Vienna is the capital of culture in Europe: there is an abundance of cultural events that is unparalleled; and, what’s almost even better, nearly all of them are world class. Vienna sets standards in every genre of art and culture that everyone should experience.

But the WU Library & Learning Center is also worth a visit!
WU Blog: How did you like the academic offer at WU Vienna? What was your most beneficial learning experience?
Carl Blomberg Persson (Lund University): In my opinion, WU’s academic offer is well founded and of high quality. The university offers a wide range of interesting courses, and although it was quite difficult to choose only a few, I am beyond satisfied with the ones that I took. What I found particularly valuable in my learning experience at WU was the international approach of the university. The great exchange with both teachers and students – from Austria and all over the world – are experiences that I will cherish forever.

If you’re interested in culture, Vienna State Opera is a must.
Marcus Beichert (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main): As an Economics Master student, WU offered me a slightly broader range of specialization courses than my home university. I especially enjoyed the opportunity to take another class in behavioral economics. The most beneficial learning experience was probably to interact with people from all over the world and get a better understanding of their perspective.
WU Blog: How do you feel about services offered by the university (e.g. International Office, WU library)?
Carl Blomberg Persson (Lund University): The services at WU are excellent! Prior to my arrival, I received valuable information about everything from the academic offer, important deadlines, life in Vienna, and much more. Thus, I was well prepared when I arrived in Austria. During, and after, my exchange experience, I have in all ways received great help from the International Office, the WU library, the IT service desk, and other services provided by the university. All in all, this made my semester in Vienna the best possible!
The great exchange with both teachers and students – from Austria and all over the world – are experiences that I will cherish forever.

Exchange Student Carl Blomberg Persson (Lund University, Sweden).
Marcus Beichert (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main): Campus WU is modern and nicely located next to the Prater. I found myself in an excellent learning environment. Especially the views from the library were amazing. The International Office was very helpful with all their guidance, so a smooth start in the semester was ensured.
Jakob Engelmann (Albert Ludwig University Freiburg): The support was of an extraordinary nature; personal needs were flexibly addressed, which definitely strengthened my individual course of studies.

WU Vienna is located near the green Prater and Wurstelprater.
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