Welcome to the WU Library – that’s new this fall!

First things first: The Library Information is now even easier to find – right at the entrance to the Central Library. Here we are happy to share our Know-How about the following topics – stop by and receive an in-person consultation for topics like these:

  • How do I find my way around the library?

    • Location of the textbook collections in the Central Library and the Library for Law
    • Communicative zone with coffee and snack vending machines
    • Charging station for smartphones & tablets
    • Bottle filling station to fill up your water bottle
    • Chill-out area with sofas and beanbags for study breaks
  • How do I borrow books?

    • Self-checkout machines & self-service book return machine
    • Loan period & independent renewal via your library account
    • Reservations for books borrowed by other people
  • How does the catalog work and how can I search specifically for eBooks or electronic articles?

    • Get to know the WU Catalog & WU CatalogPLUS
    • Try out the filter options
    • Tips for suitable search terms
    • Access online content even from home
  • How do I find databases suitable for my topic?

    • Databases for scientific literature
    • Search for statistical data
    • Find information on industries, markets and companies
    • Use of the Finance Area & reservation of terminals

We look forward to seeing you at the Library Info!