How to be an eco-friendly WU student

 Make sure to put your waste in the right bin.

Have you noticed the many new waste bins on campus? WU offers different bins to separate waste. The bins at WU give you the chance to easily separate the following types of waste: paper, plastics, aluminum, colored glass, clear glass, and other waste (non-recyclables). There’s a useful overview on waste separation on the WU Environmental Management website.

Act sustainable, no matter where you are.

When on your way to Campus WU, use public transportation or your bicycle. Bicycle parking facilities are located at all campus entrances.

Do you like spending your study breaks in Grüner Prater to get some fresh air? So do we! Please do not leave your trash there but throw it in bins or take it home and separate it. Do not feed the animals in Prater, even if they look at you with their big bright eyes.

Save energy.

Unplug your chargers when your electronics are fully loaded, no matter if you are at university or at home. Turn off lights and computers when you are the last one leaving a room.

Wear weather-appropriate clothes, no matter if you are indoors or outdoors. Turning down heaters or air-conditioners by even 1°C saves lots of energy.

Be conscious about what you buy.

Being a student often means living on a low budget but maybe you can save money by buying second-hand books or borrowing them from the library? Try to avoid plastic bags by always having a reusable bag with you. Eco-friendly shopping can also help you save money. Next time when you are treating yourself to some good coffee in your reusable coffee-to-go cup, maybe you can afford a delicious regional and organic apple to go with it. 😉

Join us:

WU is doing a lot for the environment. Recently, we became Austria’s first carbon-neutral university, which makes us proud!

Do you have an idea or want to know what WU is already doing for the environment? Send an email to or find further information here.

Are you interested in becoming a green buddy? Send an email to .

Are you interested in sustainability-related courses? Check out the courses available at the Competence Center for Sustainability Transformation and Responsibility (STaR).

Get involved. Would you like to get involved with organizations that focus on sustainability? Visit us @ChangEDucation at WU on May 14, 2019!