Bringing WU’s research to the public
The findings of WU’s studies deserve to be heard and read about. But who has the time to find and read about them in specialist journals and research databases? Here’s where WU’s research communication team comes in: We take selected research topics and “translate” them from complex academic language to easily understandable, everyday language, to provide you with well-founded explanations of the results. This gives everyone the opportunity to experience and understand WU’s research, brought to the point and aimed at specific target groups. Here are a few examples:
Researcher of the Month
Over 1,600 researchers from more than 50 different countries currently work at WU. Since 2016, WU has selected a Researcher of the Month each month, giving them the opportunity to introduce themselves and their work in a short video.
1 Minute, 1 Paper
Can academic papers be explained in just one minute? Yes they can: With this animated video format, even the most complex topics can be presented simply and understandably. This format proves that science is more than dry academic journals, and can even be fun.
WU Magazin
The WU Magazin is published three times a year and distributed with the Saturday edition of the Austrian daily newspaper Die Presse. With a circulation of 100,000 copies, the magazine reaches a wide audience and presents the findings and expertise of our researchers on a selected current topic. The most recent issue compared urban living with more rural lifestyles.
Life after Corona
This project gives everyone the opportunity to ask WU’s experts their own questions about the COVID-19 pandemic. Our researchers apply their expertise in economics, business, society, and law to answer them. Questions have been submitted on a wide variety of issues: From law (“Short-time work: Is it possible to exceed the agreed working hours?“) and sociology (“Does working from home result in a more balanced division of labor in the household?”) to questions about other parts of the world (“What consequences does the corona crisis have for developing countries?”).
Have you submitted your question yet?
Want to know more?
If you want to learn more about the how WU’s research and society interact, please have a look at our brochure “Our research impact” (PDF). It shows the diversity of WU’s research and includes a number of practical examples of how science and research impact our lives. WU makes significant contributions to facing today’s economic, social, legal, and ecological challenges, as illustrated by the articles in this brochure.